Entry 82: March 16th 2023

Hello everybody, I am back. I must say, my last entry was peak creativity for me. I have never written something that good and funny in a long time. I'm currently writing on microsoft notepad and well.. It would seem that they have added tabs.. Cool I guess. Anyway, It's been I think 3 weeks since I updated the LTE (according to my github with the text). And I have a very good reason for it. So basically, school. In 3 days I will be having my OFFICIAL FINAL REAL MATHS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE EXAMS!!!! I'm feeling very confident about them. So I don't have too much stress weighing on me. So I've been sudying and so not adding to this. I probably will not add anything more to this until monday the 27th (the day of my computer science practical exam). I have not read any of Mckenzie's and Pinkish-pickle's entries either. I will eventually. Just, need to focus on those number things now. Actually we work more with letters then numbers most of the time (ik it sounds horrifying but it's not that hard when you know the lesson). Also my site just randomly gained 88 views yesterday. and all the previous days was 4!!! What happened?? I can't see where traffic comes from, so I can't find out why. Either someone linked the LTE or some algorithm boosted it. As for other information.. I'm not sure. Oh yeah, I have officially surpassed both 400k characters AND the amount of words in the first Harry Potter book. Which means that I could print this all to a book lol. I think I talked about that before. It would just be a personal copy for the sake of it. GPT-4 was released the other day it seems. I knew they were working on an even BIGGER model when openai released that AI that transcribes audio to text (and it was released open source surprisingly). So it was obvious that they were gonna get a massive amount of additional data for training. Man I don't want to have GPT be my final sentence. I don't even like it that much just because of how people are talking about and using chatGPT. I can see the laziness kicking in. That's not to say I don't like the thing it's self. I just don't like what people are doing with it.. It's hard to put into words what I mean sorry. Don't form an opinion on what I said, I did not say it correctly I think. Ok I'm going to go now. My friends and I are going to play some random roblox game to "decompress" as one of them put it. To relax from studying for the exams. Farewell from me and to everyone until about a week from now. Try not to die. I want to talk about more stuff hehe.

<- February 25th 2023
March 26th 2023 ->

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