Entry 43: November 17th 2022

GREETINGS!!!!! It is I, knockdownton. This is the name that has been given to me by the oddly colored divinity of ancient fruit, the pickle person. OOH, "It's a role given to me by the pickle people" ANYWAY! I don't know if they said that on purpose. I am, not knockdownton, I am KNOCKUPTON! wait... Would that mean that I knock up a ton? Uh oh... This was an unexpected development. I.. I must cut off some loose ends... uh. anyway. One other person knows of my LTE now, well, person that I know personally. Well it might be 3, but I know that at least 1 knows of the website. It's one of the people from my Computer Science class. Which also reminds me. The binary tree project thing. It's an imposed goal. So I don't have to come up with something. I was paired with someone. And we now have 2 weeks to work on it. Even though I doubt it will take anywhere near 2 weeks to complete. It's just huffman compression. I already have a pretty good idea on how to make the functions we need to make. SOOO. hm... I don't have philosphy tomorrow, so I start at 10pm hehehe. Yay, more free time. I will spend the whole 2 free hours writing to a text document in the library for adding to the LTE. It's What I did at the beginning of this, and it lead to my biggest entry, with over 3 thousand words in it. I didn't count the characters. But it's a lot of course. I'm trying to choose what to watch next, since I finished another series. I will use the random button again. Therea are so many things that I equally want to watch, I just can't decide. I'm like that with a lot of things. I am given options, I do not care which option I choose, it makes no different. Which leads me to not being able to choose. It's VERY weird. I don't understand why I am like this, but I am. Ok I remeber something I wanted to talk about today. So recently I talked about the whole birds and fish under water (may have been a few weeks ago). Well, turns out that's one of the things I spoke of at the beginning of the LTE. I am involuntarly repeating myself on some things. It's weird how I don't remember. Then again, it was like 6 months ago, at the beginning. So it is bound to happen. So this is me stating that it will probably happen again at some point. These things happen. I'm saying "happen" a lot. Welp, I guess that just happens sometimes. I'm good like that. Haha, my friend used to say that a lot. "I'm good like that" When I would say they did something cool or something like that. So they would be good like that. They also called me a cardboard cutout once... They made it sound like a bad thing. We haven't talked in almost 6 months. You might know why. I spoke of it before here. Yeah, it was good fun with them. Cats is great. Chinken nungets. They are nice. I will go see hampter mouse soon. They are a hampter, that is a mouse. A mouse hampter mouse. They are very mousie, but they are a hampter. So don't mistake them. They are a hampter, but a mouse. A mouse hampter. Ok good, you got it now. Good job. Congration. Woow, css is annoying... HAHAHA. Of couse it is. Typical Css. What does it even stand for? Control style shit? I don't know. I made that up. I think style was the only correct word in that. Oh well. It is now defined. And can not be changed. I have changaed history. WE WILL MAKE HISTORY BOOOOM BOOM BOOOM, BUUUM BUUMM WE WILL MAKE HISTORY!!! not bum as in a bum, the sound effect bum. Yeah you know what I'm talking about. My bedroom is a mess. But I'm not in my bedroom right now, BECAAAUSE!! I have no wifi in there. Damn 4G wifi box. WAAAAAAAAAA!!!! walawigi!! Hmmm breakcore go brrtbrrtpshpshpsh because of the drum break sounds. Man I got some weird ass lung shit going on with me. It's not asthma, but my doctor is treating it as asthma. Because he don't know what it is. So I take this inhaler thing in morning and evening. It work. WE tried downing the dosage, and all symtoms just come back. So he gave me higher dosage again. I will try lower dosage soon again. Before my next sports exam. That way I don't jeprodize it. I did not spell that right lmao. Anyway, my next appointment is in 6 months time. So I got plenty of time. I mean, it's not like me death is imminent *stares at camera*... Yeah, idk why I speak of this. IT just sucks. The symtoms are just a FUUUUUCK ton of coughing. And sleep deprivation (from the coughing). When I was on the lower dose, I was playing catch with some 6 year olds, and after like a few minutes, not even. I was just coughing so much. I am wonky sick. wonky wonky. I'm speaking of super personal stuff here. It's both dumb and not at the same time. None of you, except for the people I personally show this to, will know who I am. So it doesn't really matter how much you know about me. You won't know who I am really. I don't think I have even said my name of the name of any of my friends. The only people that will find out who I am and are reading this, are the people that I know, that find this, without me showing them it myself. And for those who have succeed, I hope you don't use whatever I speak of to shit on me. Thank you. Yeah, so back to typing other stuff. Hmmm "other stuff" there we go. All done. That's a wrap, that's lunch (it's not lunch, it's 10pm). Ok I am back from lunch. Do not trust parenthases knockton, they is stupid and do not know what they are speaking about. They are lies. Temptation. uuhhh... lust? fcking, the bad sin thingies. I'm not sure what else... Pride and prejudice? Idk assume those are sins because of the Cummunity. I don't really care in the end. All you need to know, that is parenthases knockton is not to be trusted under ANY circumstance... I am like several tens of thousands of words into this. I should have mentioned that earlier on. Also I'm around aproximately 30 thousand characters away from surpassing flaming hot chicken chinken nuggets person. They did a very big one. A big block. Big chinken nungget. Never forget to sink to the deep sea world. It's beautiful down there. With such chromatic sounds of satisfaction! With the triangles of equilibrium simplicity that is stronget then the so called immovable object. It's beautiful I say. I'm sure I will finally get to see it some day. When it all ends. As all of it does. But the deep sea word will remain. The stack, a digital frontier. I tried to manage clusters of code as they executed through the computer. What did they look like? Backend? Frontend? Were the elements like puzzle pieces? I kept dreaming of a fullstack master I thought I'd never see. And then one day... I GOT IN!! WWWWIIIIOOOOOMMMMVVVVVRRRRROOROORORORORPAPWOFIWOIWHFWOW waaa YYAAAAAA I am in the stack BABYYYYYYY. Maybe, some day. I will be able to dream of a better world, where we are all equal and have the right to stack however we want. But for now, it just isn't possible. What a sad distopian world we live in. All in good time. For now, I will just continue to stack my pancakes. It's always the best when you fullstack those. And then add some energy fluid (maple syrup). SHUT UP PARENTHESESE KNOCKTON!. You can't trust them. It's energy fluid as I said. They are trying to descieve you. I know what i said. I didn't s-s-s-stutter! Plus they don't even know what Maple Syrup is. They have never left my computer. They stay imprinted in my comptuter's keyboard hardware code. Stupid knockton. I only have 2 classes tomorrow. So that's cool. Spanish (ew ew ew ew ew), and maths (still ew, must significantly less). Yes I agree. Well, I don't think I have anything else to speak of in this entry today. So this is goodbye for now. Farewell. goodbye. Yes, bye. Yeah that's what I said (goodbye people). SHUTUP YOU, NO ONE LIKES YOU PARENTHESES KNOCKTON!!!. Hhhh, I really have got to do something about them. Fellow potatoers, Farewell.

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November 18th 2022 ->

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