Entry 51: November 26th 2022

Imagine how long it would have taken me to write up to here without being able to touch type. It would have taken SOOOO much longer. But I can touch type. Which is why I am where I am now. In a place, where I write just loads of random words into a text document and display it onto a website. It's truly incredible what one can do when they can do the thing that they want to do. Wow that really makes sense. Oh I was looking at one of my maths exercises earlier, and I spent like 15 minutes trying to figure out how to solve it. Then I gave up. And then remembered that the way I am trying to solve it is not at all the method that I am supposed to be using. Also, I figure that out when I was in the shower. So, shower thoughts. I have mathimatical shower thoughts. Amazing. I must write this on the reddit sub-reddit called r/showerthoughts (of course I won't post to reddit, I'm not a virgin (Hello, this is parenthesis knockton, knockton is lying to you)) SHUT UP PARENTHESIS KNOCKTON!!!@ NOBODY ASKED YOU!!!! UHHHH, FUCK. So I didn't end up working on my mom's website today. Well I might work on it a bit later. And then tomorrow of course. I really just need more information from her before I can add more stuff to it. Since it's just very barebones right now. Oh an I also have to start studying for my computer science test that I will be having on Tuesday. Thinking about what we did from memory, I don't think the test will be that hard. But I have to look over the vocabulary of some things first. Since if anything fucks me, it will be that. Lmao, I get fucked by vocabulary. I'm never saying that again. Peanut butter sandwitches are pretty good. I have not had peanut butter and jelly simply because, I have no jelly and I do not know where to buy it. So I do not know what the whole craze behind it is. But I will some day. That is for sure. Oh here's a very simple description of the series I am watching: so basically, there is this giant, who is not giant, the giant is more like the size of a little baby, but it is a giant. And it's fast as fuck boiiiiii!!!! Yeah, so that is the description of the series. And that is pretty much all the information I have on the series for now. Pretty cool huh? I realize that whenever I say I will share images here, I don't. I will at some point add the links to the places where I mentioned I would share images about whatever it is I was talking about at that time. OOOH YEAAAA!!! I have to make the archive. My god, always something else to do isn't there. You know what, I think I'll go make that now... No, I don't think I will. YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO WAIT!!!! Stop your whining. Speaking of whining, MY KEYBOARD HAS NOT YET ARRIVED WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Monday it is then. It better. Or some delivery guy is gonna have keycaps for eyes.. That is a worrying threat. What the hell. Oh I thought of something. At the end of the year, I will write on a different line. Because so far, allllll of this text, has been written on one single line. Yeah I know, that's a lot of text for one line. About 206kb worth of text. So once it is 2023, I will begin writing on the second line. I will do that now. So IF, by chance I am still writing to this by 2024, I will then begin writing on the 3rd line. Or I might change before that depending on if there is some sort of performance issue from only ever writing on one single line. Which there probably isn't, but just in case you know. I have started working on the archive. It is currently up. You can see it at the top of the website. It is not finished though. Since I am filling everything in manually. Which is a pain in the ass. so I will have to add the entries over time. But at some point soon, all current entries will be there. It's just a matter of me catching up with all the entries I have already written. So that is that. Oh an mckenzie, I know I am copying your Idea. It's a good idea. So there. Anyway, it is getting late I should go to bed soon. So I will end the entry here. Oh yeah and I have to do soooo much homework tomorrow. So that is another reason I am ending it early. Ok then. farewell for now potatoers.

<- November 25th 2022
November 28th 2022 ->

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