Entry 37: November 11th 2022

Hellooo everyone. IT is the 11th of november, which means that it's the First World War rememberance day. Soooo, I DON't HAVE SCHOOL!!!! wooooooo. It's weird that i'm happy for something that caused so many deaths in the past. But oh well. So I've been playing more minecraft with my friends. It's like 5pm now. So most of the day has gone by. I added the brackets and fixed the dates that I have done in the past. I will go over all of my history soon so that I know there there isn't any missing date entry marks. I don't think there are, but just in case you know. I'm roughly 70k characters away from surpassing flaming chicken's LTE. So I'm moving up faster than I expected I would. It must be beause of the very big entry I did the other day. To make up from Mckenzie's one. They still haven't added anything since then. So I'm 13k characters ahead of them. Which means I'm at 3rd place hehe. OOOh I'm going to go and watch the new black panther film later on. My dad wanted us to watch somthing, so I found something that is on. And that seems to be the most interesting one on this evening. So it is that that we will be watching. I have writting quite a bit just on this one film thing haha. WEll I"m not conplainging, progress is progress of course. Ok that is all for now. I will return soon. I have returned. I am no longer playing minecraft. I'm now just doing nothing. I requested my twitter data earlier. Since I have a feeling the thing is just going to dive into the void any day now. So I just want an archive of everything I've done there. I should get the data soon. Hopefully this I will be able to download, unlike my google data. Which I will rerequest tomorrow but without the youtube data. Tomorrow I will make the progressive date thing so that you can see all my entries progressively. I will do that after I verify all the dates tho first. That way I don't have to insert something when it's all actually false haha. It's cool, this LTE is going to make me work on my web development skills, since I basically have none lol. But it also means that I will be prepared when my Computer Science teacher wants us to make a website as a project during the year. I won't make a bland thing like I did last year hehe. Maybe I could add this whole LTE thing to it somewhere. Well this all depends on the rules of the project of course. If there were no rules, I might just start it on my own whenever. Then just pretend I do the rest of the work of my website outside of school instead of writing it in class. Easy. HAHAHAAA FRAAAAUUUUUUD!!!! I think you would call that fraud. I'm not too sure to be honest. WEll, it sounds like fraud to me, so it's fraud. hehehe. Anyway, I'm gonna go play another videogame for a bit. I will return, either after I finish playing the game, or after I watch the black panther movie. IT depends on whenever my dad wants to go to go see the movie. Ok cya in a while. Hello, I thought I'd add this. IT seems that pink-ish pickle does not seem to like me. They are just jelous that I am at a higher character count than them. Or it's because I said to go looks at mckenzie's LTE. Eitehr way, it's funny. So don't forget to go check out Mckenzie's LTE of course. Can't forget that. Ok I am back from the game. I'm not too sure what else to write here. I jsut want to write more stuff for the sake of it. I've been watching a movie, it's like the continuation of a series, but in a movie. And there there's the second season of the series after the movie. IT's weird how it was done, so like, if you want to watch season 2 of the series, you first have to watch that movie. It's weird. I already said it's weird. huh... Anyway. Yeah so that's what's up with that. I still need to finish the movie before I get to the second season of the series, which is still ongoing. I'm half way through the movie. I must watch the movie. I will finish it later. No point starting to watch the rest now if I am going to go out to the cinema and watch another movie. Plus I managed to pause it at a very good spot where it doesn't really matter if I paused or not. WEll, you know what I mean. IT was a good end to a scene. The reason I write "it" with capital letters sometimes is just because of how fast I am tying. You will see that with some other words like "well" and whatever stars at the beginning of a scentence. I'm just so ahead of the keyboaard that the keys can't keep up. Or my fingers can't keep up with my other fingers that are holding down shift. ANYWAY, mmm I say "anyway" a lot. I say a lot of things a lot OKKKK!!! Stop complaining. You're the one reading this. And I'm the one writing this, complaining about what I"m writing. DAMN I IDD IT AGAIN WITH THE "I'M". WHY IS THE M CAPOITAL!!!!???/ Ok I am losing my mind. I can't type right. STuypid.... ok i'm done comsfewikgweoighweifghwruk hbkefwhk fsh. Ok bye cya later fellow readers. OK I am back from the movies, here's my final entry of the day. no spoiler, just, the beginning of the movie was kinda slow imo. But the rest was fine. And cool ass fight scenes as usual from marvel movies. Usually. Uuhhh, so it is midnight now. Turns out the movie is like 2h40. Which is LOOOONG. So I won't have time to watch the rest of that over movie I was watching. So I'll watch it tomorrow. Amongst the other things I need to do tomorrow. Because *drum roll* I Have Homework !!!! wooooo yeaaa baby. Yeah, so... I got to do some of that too. Which is very sucky sucky. I think I have some maths, and history to study, and uhh.. idk. Some spanish homework to do? shit, I don't know what I have to do in spanish. The teacher just gave us a youtube link to something and nothing else. IT's weird. I will ask some of my class mates. They will surely know wtf we are supposed to do haha. Since Spanish is my worst subject, I'm so bad. I can not even give you a simple scentence. Even though I have been doing it for almost 7 years at this point. I'm just stupid like that. My brain can only fit 2 languages. I might manage to learn japanese at some point, that way I can understand the songs I have been listening to for the past few years. But that will take the rest of my language brain power. I won't be able to fit any more languages in there. Well, programming lanuages yes. But spoken languages no. Especially since japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn apparently, it takes like over 1000h of experience to be good at it. I don't know if that is a correct experience mesurement, but you get the idea. I can't start learning it now. Since I"m in highschool and I got other shit to worry about. But when I'm in college, yeah, I'll look at this online course I got saved in my bookmarks. I'll be doing something like maths and computer science/engineering. Sooooo, yeah I should have time to spend on learning another languaeg. Not only that, but japanese sounds and looks cool imo. The alphabet looks cool. Well that's maybe just because it's COMPLETELY different from the latin alphabet I and a lot of other people are used to. AAANYWAY, I"m going to stop talking about me wanting to learn how to speak japanese. My friend just commented on one of my instagram posts "gigachad" I mean, thanks for the compliment. But I do not have gray skin, and I do not have ripped body with a 16 pack. AND, I also don't have a sexy sharp jaw line. I am just me, a human. You can refer to me as human, I am human knockton. Wait... is that how you spell human? IT is... It's only 5 letters long wtf. Why in my mind I feel like that word would be like 7 to 8 letters long. It feels like a word that would be long. But no it is not long. Wow, my mind is blown. BOOOAAAAA. Godam. This is becomming a pretty long entry (I did not spell that right). So I guess this is pretty good entry. Oh, I'm surprised I have been able to do daily entries to the LTE for the past like 2 weeks (I think). Sure I may not update the website daily, but the entries I add to the LTE are daily. So sometimes I add nothing in one day to the website, or I add 2 days worth to the website. I just don't always update the website everyday. Although I have been doing that so far. IT could change in the future. Just because lazy. Or it won't change. I don't know. This entry is 8 thousand characters long so far. Impressive. I am maybe just going to push for the other 2k characters yeaaa let's do that. That way I don't really mind how much I add tomorrow since I will be doing a load of work. Because it's not good to be lazy. But I still be lazy. hahahahahah procrastination is my preoffesion. I did NOT spell that correctly either. God damn it. I can't spell anything right. WEll I did spell that right. So I guess I kind of spell everything right but nothign right.... yeah that makes total sense, sounds deep as fuck. Ok but seriously what the hell am I writing. I must be a dyslexic person's worst nightmare. It would be even funny if I spelt dyslexial incorrectly that last time, AAAND I just did it again. ... I'm not correcting these errors because there are good for comedic purpose... and I'm just lazy. I'm TOOOO lazy to use my mouse or arrow keys to fix a simple mistake I know. Stop judging me, I know you feel the same way and would do the exact same thing. I know you. Yeah, so my brother wants me to go to bed now because we share a room and my typing is annoyting him, especially since it is half twelve in the night. He is annoying when he does this. This is why I like it when I have my own room. I don't have to worry about this and I can stay up as late as I want and stuff and not worry about my brother who is annoying af disturbing me because he wants to sleep. I mean, who even sleeps anymore. Stuped. Ok, by for now. See you tomorrow goyos. OOOH, potatoers. Yeha, I call you that now.

<- November 10th 2022
November 12th 2022 ->

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